Journal Entry: 1/25/2017

Mary Sauer

The afternoon was long, but the view was beautiful. From Ohio to Maryland, the area was hilly. Little towns were nestled between these hills. As the sun set in the west, the hills in the east took on a dark blue color. 
The idea of Golden Corral for dinner was shot down by an overwhelming majority of the bus, even though other options in Hagerstown, Maryland were either more expensive or not able to accommodate us. We stopped in a little town in Maryland. We had the options of a Chinese buffet, Wendy’s, and KFC. 
We arrived to the hotel at about 8 pm. Mass was at 9 pm, followed by pizza, and then lights out at midnight.
The next morning, we were woken up at 7, and we were on the bus by 8. Traffic was very busy, and it took a while to get to the Basilica. My grandpa made the comment of how aggressive the drivers are.
Mass was at 9:30. There were many priests present, and two bishops, Bishop Kemme and Bishop Conley(Lincoln). Afterwards, we left to tour different sites. I am currently on my way to the Holocaust museum.