Theater Department presents ’12 Angry Jurors’

Journalism I students praise the performers in reviews

Mini reviews from Journalism students:

“The play, ‘Twelve Angry Jurors,’ showed that if you just believe without giving it another thought, it could really harm others’ lives. I thought Dominik’s performance was really energetic and powerful. I also thought the audience couldn’t wait for more and the story line, acting, props, etc, all made the play spectacular.” Arwen Urban

“I really liked the play this year. The actors conveyed extreme emotion the entire time. It never got boring. I was captivated by the performance all the way through.” Elayne Urban

“The acting was very good, and there were hardly any mess-ups from the actors. They made the play very entertaining and you could tell they cared about what they were doing.” Carson Cruzeiro

“I liked how the guy was slowly convincing the other jurors that there was a reasonable doubt.” Maria Leland