Camping Lessons

In the second edition of “Behind the Desk,” Miss Logsdon discusses the impact of stepping out of your comfort zone.


Miss Logsdon

As my former students know, I often see life or literary lessons in day-to-day experiences.  This summer was no different.  I went on my first official camping trip this summer, and my long drive home provided the opportunity for introspection.

  I used to think that I had my life all figured out.  I had a checklist of life events. I had a set group of friends. I had safe, predictable goals. However, my life has not gone according to the checklist I had in my head. Rather than wallow in that disappointment, I have challenged myself over the last few years to step outside of my comfort zone in order to form new relationships and have unexpected experiences.  I have traveled to seven countries in four years. I have been rock climbing. I have tried new and unusual foods. I have jumped out of a plane from 18, 000 feet. I gained interest in a new sport. I went to a musical festival and sang Queen with hundreds of people in the middle of the night. I engaged in a conversation with a band member after a concert, which led to an entire new group of friends in a different city.  I bought and set up a tent all on my own.  All of these might seem like little things to you, but they’re symbolic to me. They represent the beautiful possibilities which come when you are open to the life God has placed before you, rather than spending your life waiting for the vision in your head to come to fruition.  That brings me back to the camping trip. You see, if I hadn’t been open to one conversation three years ago, then this summer I wouldn’t have had that group of friends, or dominated at bocce ball, or floated down a Missouri river, or set up my first tent.  My challenge to you is this: don’t be afraid to step outside of your comfort zone this school year.  Be open to making friends with new people.  Challenge yourself to try something new.  Those new people and experiences will help you grow.  As I tell my students, playing on Emerson’s famous quote, life is about both the destination and the journey.