School is Cool

Jacy Holbrook

The start of a new school year always comes with countless complaints. Whether we can’t stand the idea of getting up early or struggle with using our brains for the first time in three months, it’s inevitable that school takes some getting used to. However, to get the ball rolling on a positive note, here are 4 (practical) reasons why school is cool.

  • School comes with school-related events. Sure, math class may not be an exhilarating experience, but that football game on Friday night? Absolutely. Without school, pep rallies, dances, sporting events, and other memorable occasions wouldn’t happen.
  • Admit it, learning is fun. Everyone has a nerdy side to them, whether they’ll admit it or not. There’s a sense of accomplishment that comes with mastering a new skill or acing a test that can’t be replaced.
  • Seeing friends every day is another aspect of school that makes it enjoyable. Sure, you hang out some of your closest friends throughout the summer, but there’s more opportunity to forge new friendships and expand your circle during the school year.
  • Believe it or not, school is good for you. Humans are creatures of habit, so we thrive in routine. The repetitive nature of school helps us balance our lives and create good habits, thus making us more successful in the future.

In sum, yes, it’s easy to complain about school and all the mayhem that comes with it, but as we take a step back and really evaluate it as a whole, it’s even easier to see that there are plenty of aspects that make school an overall enjoyable experience.